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WAVMA Activities September 2022

Previous activities:

CertAqV passes – 8 people were awarded the CertAqV this month, and one person has been re-awarded the CertAqV (it requires updating every five years). Thank you to the Credentialling Committee and the Executive Board for reviewing these submissions. All CertAqV should be listed on www.wavma.org/CertAqV-Pgm, please check if you are listed. This page automatically updates depending on whether you meet the criteria for CertAqV (been awarded and a current WAVMA member). The page also provides information on how to become CertAqV.

Executive Board meeting – was held on the 25th September. Topics discussed included reviewing ISAAH 9 activities, upgrading the CertAqV system and a draft questionnaire to send to members regarding the Strategic Plan Review. If you have anything you would like to be discussed at future EB meetings then please contact administrators@wavma.org or your Director at Large (www.wavma.org/WAVMA-Leadership) for their contact details.

ISAAH 9 conference – of which WAVMA was a partner. WAVMA activities included an all day workshop in conjunction with the AAFV (https://fishvets.org) on Columnaris Disease. The abstract book for the whole conference is available from www.isaah9.com. Board members met with MEVEA colleagues (https://mevea.cl) to discuss areas of collaboration and also with local company representatives. Discussions were held at two universities to assist setting up WAVMA student Chapters. Full reports of these activities will likely be given in upcoming editions of The Aquatic Veterinarian ( www.wavma.org/The-Aquatic-Veterinarian) and information on WAVMA Student Chapters can be found at www.wavma.org/WAVMA-Student-Chapters.

Coming up:

WAVMA Conference – WAVMA will hold a conference from the 3rd to the 7th of December 2022 in South Africa. This will be both “in-person” and “virtual”. Please visit https://wavma2022.co.za for further information.

Monthly Webinar – The next WAVMA webinar will be held on the 30th September at 2.00pm UTC. The topic will be on “Tenacibaculosis in salmonid species”. Please see www.wavma.org/WebCEPD to register for it. This webinar will provide 1 hours CPD/CEPD if you complete the short KSA (quiz) after watching it. Registration for the webinar is free. WAVMA members can watch recordings of the webinar for free and non-members will have to pay a charge.